Students will acquire, practice and review competencies that are required to perform well in The Naglieri Non-Verbal Ability Test. Student’s scores from these tests are used by Fairfax county and Loudoun county as one of the criteria for acceptance into their respective Gifted/Talented/Advanced Academic Placement programs.


The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) is a group ability test that does not require English language skills and knowledge that is taught in school. This test allows students to demonstrate their ability to think and reason by figuring out problems that are presented through a complex series of geometric shapes and designs. The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test allows students to demonstrate advanced levels of reasoning without word knowledge, mathematics, or reading skills.

The NNAT is administered to all FCPS first grade students during September/October. LCPS administers this test in March/April to all third graders. Student’s scores from the NNAT are used by Fairfax county and Loudoun county as one of the criteria for acceptance into their respective Gifted/Talented/Advanced Academic Placement programs.


A full length baseline test will be conducted. Teaching sessions include several structured practice exercises & reviews, complemented by home work exercises. Periodic realistic full length timed tests and end-of course formal test battery will be administered in each of the following areas of competence tested in NNAT. The course content is designed at the level of complexity appropriate for each of the grade levels, using the specific corresponding test format and question types.
All training, exercises, tests and homework will be consisting of problems that use a complex set of geometric shapes and designs, with all four types of competencies tested in NNAT – Pattern Completion, Analogies, , Serial Reasoning and Spatial Visualization.


Students will acquire, practice and review competencies that are required to perform well in the Naglieri Non-Verbal Ability Test (NNAT). To the extent there are similarities, the competencies acquired will serve students well in related approved tests such as the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAt). Students’ scores in the tests are used by Fairfax county and Loudoun county school systems as one of the key criteria for acceptance into their respective Gifted/Talented/Advanced Academic Placement programs. This is equally applicable whether the student is already in the FCPS/LCPS system or is transferring in from other school districts or from area private schools. Students being freshly referred for placement in the Gifted programs by either the teachers or the parents, or those who are appealing an unfavorable gifted program placement decision would significantly strengthen their chances by positioning themselves well for much improved performance in the placement tests.